I'm going to be a published poet!

In 2023, one of my goals was to write more poetry. I fell off the wagon a few times—there were months where I didn’t write a single poem. However, I did write my entire Hustle Horrors series, which I’m very proud of. Writing a more focused collection was a challenge but I was able to create a few pieces I love.

In 2024, I upped the goal to include submitting more of my poems to literary magazines. I subscribe to a few newsletters that include information on literary magazines that are open, what they’re accepting, and when. Although I’ve put off submitting in the past, I wanted to submit poetry at least once per month. And I’m happy to announce that I’ve had 2 poems admitted to two different organizations so far this year!

Later this year, I will have a poem published in Workers Write! as well as in Abstract Magazine. I’m so thrilled my poems were accepted. Although I’ve written poetry my entire life, it’s been a long time since my poems saw anything besides my social media channels or my blog. Once I have information on where and when they’ll be published, I’ll share that info here.

If you want to see your poems published some day, I have two pieces of advice. One: write more poems. And two: submit, submit, submit!

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